March 22nd was the World Water Day. Yes, H2O, that liquid element that originated the life in our planet, or that was discovered on Mars a few months ago, has a World Day for it self.
In Spain, Fundación Aquae created a hastag on Twitter to celebrate the date, #TodoEsAgua (#EveryThingIsWater). Although in the morning of the same day a terrorist attack caused panic in Brussels and that capitalized the conversation in the social network, Aquae's hastag became Trending Topic in Spain. But Wold Water Day was not only celebrated by organizations whose names mean water in latin. On Snapchat the popular magazine National Geographic created several videos linked with articles about the most valuable liquid substance for humanity – it is not oil –.
Although every single creature alive in our planet needs water to live, the colorless liquid is today an object of speculation. In Spain, the arrival in the hall towns of left politicians has started a movement to protect the public property and distribution of the water. Meanwhile in other countries to recollect the rain can be judged as a fault. Who has never heard an history about a little kid that has to walk several miles to get two buckets of water for his family every day? Believed or not, despite the five oceans and the millions of rivers and lakes that are in our blue planet, water is a scarce commodity and we should keep it for our children in order to conserve our planet as the best place to life for human raze. Here you can find some advices to avoid waste water in an untenable an greedy way.
1. Close the tap when we are brushing our teeth
Yes, we love to see how amazing is our plughole, and how much water can it eat it without rest. When we are in the bathroom and we opened the tap we should know that we are throwing away 12 liters per minute according to Barcelona Pel Medi Ambient. Everything that we don´t use when the reason is dispensable is to save. When a minute means to lost 12 litres we should worry about our actions.
2. Put a bottle in the toilet tank or use a divided tank
“We don´t have much water here so the yellow thing stays for a while, when is brown press the button.” Maybe the advices in Meet the Fockers are so scatological to take it seriously. To safe water doesn't mean to life in a pigsty, but we don´t need all the water in tank of our toilet to keep it cleaned. Dividing the tank we can safe more than a liter of water every time we wash our bottom. In case we don't have money for one those kinds of tanks we just should set a bottle full of sand in it, you will save the same volume of the bottle you installed.
3. Fix pipes and the leaking taps
It is weird we should say that. If a pipe is broken we should fix it. It is not just because we are throwing water away, it is because you can cause some problems to your neighbors if you life in a flat and what it is worst, if the leak is after the water meter next month the bill would be more annoying than the noise of a leaking tap.
4. The washing machine must be full
Yes this great invention wastes as much light as water consumes. And, please, don't lie to yourself: the dish washer is the same. If you don´t have one of these machines remember that when you are lathering the dishes or the cloths you don´t need to have the tap open.
5. Be responsible
This is something you will never learnt watching the ads on TV. Consume, consume, and go back to consume that is how it works our system and our economy, but we should learn how to do it in a sustainable way if we want to live in the Earth for more time. Saving water is just a little change that helps making our world better.
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